
Showing posts from April, 2023

Can Pro-Life and Pro-Choice People Find Common Ground?

PITTSBURGH – Abortion is one of the most emotionally-charged and controversial issues plaguing the citizens of the United States. It is the process of terminating an unborn child, most commonly in the gynecological procedure of vacuum Aspiration or in the form of pills. Pro-Life activists, people against terminating an unborn child, and Pro-Choice activists, people who support women’s right to an abortion, fervently debate its legality. These impassioned debates create a looming question:  “Can Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Activists Find Common Ground?”      I walked around Pittsburgh and asked locals if they believed homogeneity and unity were possible. Overall, the public was split on the prospect.       Mason Goats, a 20-year-old Pittsburgher, is adamant that he believes a compromise is possible.      “Frankly I think if everybody just sat down and agreed upon the welfare of children they’d come to a common...