Mr. Duquesne: Meet The Man Behind The Curtain Of Duquesne Athletics
At the age of 62, Paul Hightower continues to run his athletic program the same way he has for the last 33 years- based on the maintenance of great relationships with those around him. Described as the jack-of-all-trades in his time at Duquesne, Hightower has used his interpersonal relationships to maintain his position as Senior Assistant Athletic Director of Facilities and Home Events for over three decades, an uncommon feat in today’s modern workforce. He says that the key to staying young is keeping up with the kids around him. Hightower began his pursuit of a sports management career during his latter two years of college at Radford University. He originally had aspirations to be a sound engineer his Freshman year before switching his major to Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. Having grown up around deaf friends, Hightower sought a career path that would put him in a position to help hearing-impaired children. However, he found that he ...